Sig Manufacturing
SIG 3/32 X 1/4 X 36" Spruce (SIGGYS007)
Spruce is a light, tough wood with a high strength-to-weight ratio. It is available in many popular sizes. Used in full-sized aircraft in the past, it is now in demand by expert model-builders. Many of the top-notch flyers of America as well as Europe use spruce to add strength to their models for today's tough competition. R/C, Free-Flight, Nordic, Combat and Stunt experts find that the shockabsorbing Spruce used in wing spars, longerons and critical diagonal braces in fuselage and tail sections pay for themselves time and time again and add months of life to their contest ships. Slightly rough in texture, it has high glue adhesion for strong joints. Best results are obtained by using the white type glues such as Super-Weld or Sig-Bond, as the faster model cements do not get a chance to penetrate Spruce before they dry. A little pressure is a good thing, too. Spruce, though twice as heavy as balsa, is ten times stronger. Therefore, smaller sizes can be used and still have a light model. Also, a fuselage made of spruce in hand-launched gliders will take many rough landings and posthole spiral dives without shattering. Sig's Select Spruce is produced by modelers, selected, cut, and inspected with the expert modeler in mind. It is square-cut and held to a tolerance of .005 in. These craftsman, being model builders themselves, know quality and are sure that once used, any model fan will always want Spruce in vital parts of all their airplanes. A truly fine supplement to Sig balsa, they go hand-in-hand in construction of championship models.